Study topics in this category cover a)Land use b) Traffic congestion and Air pollution c)Road side trees mapping d) Market and Recreational area survey e) Questionnaire Survey on environmental conditions
Table 4 Details of EESS work in the Pilot StudyArea of Work (3) Neighbourhood Study
Topic | Theoretical Studies | Field Studies |
Land use | Selected Roads Land use pattern studies | Mapping of the observation |
Traffic | Vehicular traffic studies for the neighbourhood | Traffic Survey at Seven points |
Road Trees | Listing of the Road wide trees | Identification of the trees |
Market and Recreational | Stress wise shopes and parks documentation | Comparison between streets |
Opinion Poll | Preparation of a questionnaire of 72 questions on Environs | 5 opinions collection |
Sources used: Encyclopedias of Libraries for Theoretical studies Survey map A Field Guide to Common Trees in India Questionnaire Survey Literatures
Study topics in this category cover a)Thermal mapping b) Dustfall Zoning c)Air Pollution Gradient using Lichens d) Water Quality Analysis
Table 5 Details of EESS work in the Pilot Study Area of Work (4) Environmental Quality by Experiments
Sl. |
Topic | Theoretical Studies | Field Studies |
1 | Thermal mapping | Temperature and solar heat studies | Temperature variations hourly measured at 12 stations soil, class, openspace and grass |
2 | Dust fall zoning | Properties of Dust and other matter studies | Dust fall measured at 12 stations |
3 | Air pollution gradient by lichens | Lichens response to air pollutants studies | Sampling of Lichens from six stations and species identification |
4 | Physical and Chemical Examination of Water | Qualities of water studies | Experimental procedures for Tap and Borewell Water Sources |
Resources used :1). Books on Climate of Cities 2) Encyclopedias from Libraries 3).Essays on Bangalore - Climate of Banglore 4). Water Quality Assessment - NSS Unit , I.I.T. Kharagpur 5.I.S. 10,500 Drinking Water Quality Standards 6). Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology Labs, of the College
Table 5 Details of EESS work in the Pilot Study Area of Work (4) Environmental Quality by Experiments
Sl. |
Topic |
Theoretical Studies |
Field Studies |
1 | Thermal mapping | Temperature and solar heat studies | Temperature variations hourly measured at 12 stations soil, class, openspace and grass |
2 | Dust fall zoning | Properties of Dust and other matter studies | Dust fall measured at 12 stations |
3 | Air pollution gradient by lichens | Lichens response to air pollutants studies | Sampling of Lichens from six stations and species identification |
4 | Physical and Chemical Examination of Water | Qualities of water studies | Experimental procedures for Tap and Borewell Water Sources |
Resources used :1. Books on Climate of Cities 2. Encyclopedias from Libraries 3.Essays on Bangalore - Climate of Banglore 4. Water Quality Assessment - NSS Unit , I.I.T. Kharagpur 5.I.S. 10,500 Drinking Water Quality Standards 6. Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology Labs, of the College