Topics for studies in this category cab a) History b) Flora and Fauna c) Transportation and Air Pollution d) Lakes and Tanks e) Economical Structure and Industrial Activity could be taken . Table 2 furnishes details of one such work.
Table 2 : Details of EESS Work in the Pilot Study : Area of work (1) Habitat Study Bangalore
Sl |
Topic | Theoretical Studies | Field Studies focus |
1 | History | Survey from B.B.1000 | Field visits |
2 | Flora and Fauna | On the greenery, openspace and Built up areas | Identification of Spacies |
3 | Transportation | Vehicular Population | Traffic Survey |
4 | Lakes and Tanks | Experts Committee Report Quality Format Development | Identification on Survey Map |
5 | Economic/ Industrial | Economic development/ Industrial Activities | Visit to Industries |
Resources used: 1).Essays on Bangalore - KSCST, I.I.Sc., Bangalore. 2).State of Environment Reports - Department of S and T. Karantaka.3).Books on the History of Bangalore.4).Seminar Proceedings on Bangalore, Institution of Engineers.5)National Symposium on the Bangalore - Metropolis, BDA.6) Expert Committee Report on Lakes and Tanks, Department of Planning.7)Gazetter Reports on Bangalore, Central Library. 8).Growth and Development of Bangalore, NNRMS/ISRO Reports.9).Deccan Herald Information Centre, Bangalore.10).Papers on Bangalore from New paper and journals.
Study topics in this category cover a) Land use b) Soil Mapping c) Flora and Fauna d)Hydrogeological e)Sanitation f) Systems Analysis-Materials and Energy
Table 3 :Details of EESS work in the Pilot Study:Area of Work (2) College Campus Study
Sl. |
Topic |
Theoretical Studies |
Field Studies |
1 | Land use mapping | Identification of Land use of the college campus | Measurements and Mapping |
2 | Soil mapping | Identification of different soil types | Soil examiantion |
3 | Flora and Fauna | Listing of all Flora and Fauna of the college campus | Identification in the campus |
4 | Hydro-geological | Geological studies of the Bangalore region | Borewell, Openwell datails survey |
5 | Santiation | Sanitation and Health Studies | Source of waste and Disposal methods |
6 | Analysis | Input-output of materials and analysis to college | Deata collection and mapping |
Source Used: 1).College campus Drawing for each topic study 2).Encyclopedias of the Libraries for Theoretical studies.3).A field guide to Indian trees 4). Survey Map5. Seminar on Ground Water Resources, Proceedings